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Thursday 15 May 2014

★Chapter 2 - Meeting His Friends★

November 6, 2014

MyungSoo: Yah, Son NaEun, palli ireona..
NaEun: Nggghh.. Shireoyo~ Ka..
MyungSoo: If don't wake up now, I'll kiss you..
NaEun: If you dare.. *sleepy voice*
MyungSoo: Challenging me huh? *kiss her cheek and lips*
NaEun: *wakes up because of shock* Yah! How dare you kiss me??!
MyungSoo: You're the one that don't want to wake up..
NaEun: *blushing*
MyungSoo: Aww, my mate is blushing.. *laugh*
NaEun: *hits his chest playfully* Today, you said you want me to meet your friends?
MyungSoo: That's why I wake you early..
NaEun: But, it's just 6.45㏂!
MyungSoo: We need to cook for them.. They have such a big appetite!
NaEun: Okay, I'll bath first.. Ka!
MyungSoo: I wanna stay here...
NaEun: Pervert!!! Go2!! *push him to the door*
MyungSoo: I'll prepare the ingredients first..
NaEun: Nae~ Just go..
MyungSoo: Fine..
NaEun: *close the door* (Haishh! Why did he need to kiss me? My first kiss was stolen by that 'handsome' werewolf.. Wait, he is cute though.. Heheheh)

She is done bathing and walking unsteadily downstairs.. Suddenly, she tripped and scream.. Come from now where, MyungSoo catch her from falling down from the stairs..

MyungSoo: Yah! Gwenchana?? Did it hurt somewhere?? Eo? *help her stand up*
NaEun: Aniya.. Nan gwenchana.. I just tripped.. But, where do you come? Definitely you're not running because the kitchen is quiet far.. How do you come here?
MyungSoo: Didn't you remember what I told yesterday?
NaEun: *shakes her head*
MyungSoo: Duh, I have teleportation power.. That's why I can go anywhere..
NaEun: Oooo.. Sorry..
MyungSoo: Gwenchana.. *smile*
NaEun: *smile back* Let's cook! *run to the kitchen*
MyungSoo: Yah! Careful..
NaEun: So, what will we cook for today??
MyungSoo: We'll cook kimchi stew, ddokboki, seafood soup and also dessert..
NaEun: Wow! We need to cook all of that?
MyungSoo: Nae..
NaEun: So, let's start cooking!! *wears a cute apron*
MyungSoo: Kyeopta~
NaEun: Nae?
MyungSoo: Nothing.. *open the fridge* Cut this vegetables.. *give them to NaEun*
NaEun: OKay!! *cuts the vegetables using a knife* Hey, can I ask you something??
MyungSoo: Sure, my princess..
NaEun: Did you ever fall inlove with someone before you discovered me??
MyungSoo: *sigh* It's a long story and it happend when I was 17..
NaEun: It's okay if you don't want to share it with me.. I know what it feel when the people we love go away..
MyungSoo: How do you know that she go away from me?
NaEun: Aniya, I just guessed it.. So she leave you?
MyungSoo: Sadly yes but she wasn't my mate.. You're my mate *backhug her*
NaEun: I'm cutting vegetables right now.. But, why did she leave you?
MyungSoo: For exactly, she just flirting with me because of my wealth..
NaEun: I had experienced the same like you.. My ex-boyfriend just leave me alone when he want to r-rape me but I know I need to move on.. What's her name?
MyungSoo: Bae SuZy.. She is beautiful, smart and have an angelic face but inside, she is like a plastic-faced demon.. She is the school bully.. Maybe she thinks that I don't know her.. And, what is your ex-boyfriend's name?
NaEun: Byun BaekHyun.. I don't to talk about him.. He only wants my body.. He almost raped me.. *tears dropped from her eyes*
MyungSoo: Yah, uljima..*hugs her*
NaEun: I thought he love me.. but he just want my body..*cry at his chest*
MyungSoo: Go rest.. I'll cook..
NaEun: Is it okay for you?
MyungSoo: Everything for my princess..
NaEun: Okay..

She left the kitchen and held her way to the bedroom while wondering how could she be in this case?? So confusing for her.. As she was walking, she saw a frame picture of MyungSoo and his friends.. They were very happy in that picture.. She keep on looking at the picture when someone wrap his arm around her tiny waist and make her jump in shock..

NaEun: Omona!! Yah, Kim MyungSoo, can you don't make me shocked? I almost get heart attack you know?
MyungSoo: Hahahah! Mianhe~ So, what are you doing?
NaEun: Aren't you cooking? Why so fast? I think I just left the kitchen awhile ago..
MyungSoo: The food is done.. I'm using my speed power to finish them..
NaEun: * 'O' face *
MyungSoo: What are you doing actually? I've asked the question before but you don't answer me..
NaEun: I'm doing nothing but just looking at your picture with your friends..
MyungSoo: You already saw that picture? We called ourselves 'INFINITE' since we are werewolves..
NaEun: When they'll arrive?
MyungSoo: Maybe in 45 minutes more.. Go changes your clothes..
NaEun: Okay..

-Skip forward- (45 minutes)

The door bell rang few times and MyungSoo quickly go to open the door.. Then, they are 6 boys and 6 girls and they are so loud.. Even from the inside, you still can hear their loudness from outside.. MyungSoo invite them go in the mansion.. Some of them sit on the floor and some of them sit on the couch.. MyungSoo introduce them to her one per one.. The boys are SungGyu, DongWoo, WooHyun, SungYeol, HoYa and SungJong.. While the girls are ChoRong, EunJi, YooKyung, NamJoo, BoMi and HaYoung..They are so hansome and pretty.. She introduce herself to them.

NaEun: My name is Son NaEun..
ChoRong: Nice name.. Come here, we want to have some talk with you..
NaEun: Nae~ *go to them*
ChoRong: So, you are his mate?
NaEun: *nods*
ChoRong: Did he treat you well?
NaEun: Nae..
WooHyun & DongWoo: GUYS!! LET'S EAT!! I'M SO HUNGRY!!
MyungSoo: Kaja.. *drag NaEun to dining table*
SungGyu: So many foods!! The way I like!! Jung EunJi, eat well..
EunJi: Okay, oppa..
MyungSoo: *whisper to NaEun* Call me oppa too?? Please..
NaEun: *wide eyes and whisper to him* Mwo??
MyungSoo: Please.. *pleading eyes*
NaEun: Okay, oppa..

After they left (at night), she was wondering if her family is worried about her or not.. She miss them so much.. She lay on her bed while still thinking..  

NaEun POV:
I miss them but what can I do? Will I be keep in here? Can I go out just to see my family? I miss them so much!! Wait, how about school? *sigh*
End POV.

MyungSoo: If you miss them, call them using this iPhone.. This is yours now.. If you were REALLY MISS them, I can send you to them for awhile..
NaEun: Jinjja??
MyungSoo: Yes, but you need to do me something..
NaEun: What is it?
MyungSoo: EVERYDAY, sleep with me..
NaEun: And promise you won't do anything?
MyungEun: Yes, just sleep with me.. And school, your school is actually not far from here.. It was just 2 kilometre away..
NaEun: 2 kilometre??! How can I walk there?
MyungSoo: Then, I'll send you everyday..
NaEun: Owh, okay..*yawn* I'm sleepy..
MyungSoo: Sleep in my room..
NaEun: Whatever.. I just want to sleep..

Then, they sleep together with a very2 little feeling of love in his bedroom.. They start to know each other more and he treated NaEun as she was a queen.. He already started to have feeling towards her.. And she was too..

Sorry for late update, typos and my VERY2 BAD English.. Hope you like this chapter!! ENJOY!! :-)


Saturday 10 May 2014

★Chapter 1 - Knowing Each Other★

November 5, 2014
NaEun's POV:-
Where am I? *wake up from bed and sit* Where is this? This is probably not my home..*door opening* Nuguya??! *panick and hides under blanket*
???: Don't hide.. I know where are you.
Naeun:*slowly unhide* Who re you? Where am I? What do you want?
???: I'm your mate. You're in my mansion. And I want you to be my mate..
Naeun: (Mate??)
???: You must be really confused right now, right??
Naeun: *nods* (how do he know what am I thinking??)
???: Okay, *sits on the edge of the bed* You must believe me okay?
Naeun: Okay.
???: I'm a werewolf and I'm an Alpha.. Every werewolf has their own mate and, my mate is you, Son Naeun...
Naeun: H-how d-do you know my name??
???: Of course I know.. You're my mate..
Naeun: How did you know what am I thinking?
???: Werewolf has super power.. I can read human's thought, speed and teleportation.. Understand?
Naeun: Nae~ But, w-what is your name?
???: Kim Myungsoo but call me only Myungsoo..
Naeun: Okay..*tummy growling* Uhmm, I'm hungry..
Myungsoo: *chuckles* Okay, let's eat..*drag her to kitchen downstairs*
Naeun: Woah! This is your kitchen and you cook all that breakfast?? *points to food on the dining table*
Myungsoo: All yes.. Wanna eat what? There are bacon, fried eggs, toasted bread. What do you want?
Naeun: I want all of them!
Myungsoo: *laugh*, okay...
Naeun: Why did you laugh? *pout*
Myungsoo: Don't pout, you're too cute..*pinch her cheek*
Naeun: *taste the food* Yummy! You're a good chef though you're a werewolf!
Myungsoo: Thanks.. *smile*
Naeun: *heart racing while blushing*

After they finish eating breakfast, Myungsoo drags her to see his mansion.. Wanna know about his mansion? Damn, it was super duper big..
Naeun: *sits on a bench* Hey, can I ask you something?
Myungsoo: Sure~ What is it?
Naeun: Since when you became a werewolf?
Myungsoo: Since I'm 15..
Naeun: And now you're an Alpha who leads a pack right?
Myungsoo: Yes..*remember something* Ah! Tomorrow we'll meet my friends or my pack..
Naeun: But, I don't have any clothes to wear..
Myungsoo: Did you open the wardrobe in your room? 
Naeun: No.
Myungsoo: There are your clothes to wear in the wardrobe..
Naeun: One more, did you live alone in this mansion?
Myungsoo: Actually, I live here with my friends but since they have to take care of their mate, they moved out from this mansion..
Naeun: Did you feel lonely?
Myungsoo: Several times but they always visit me..
Naeun: Ooooo... Can I take bath now?
Myungsoo: Yes, and there is a bathroom in your room.. Just use anything in this mansion and don't ask me if you want to do anything.. Just do what you want okay but don't escape because I know whre ever you go..
Naeun: Okay..*smile*
Myungsoo: Go, you say you want to take bath right?
Naeun: Nae~

Done bathing, Naeun go to her bed to sleep.. She is very shocked to see Myungsoo in her room topless while lying on the bed.. She hesitantly ask him..
Naeun: W-what do you do here?
Myungsoo: Your room is my room too.. I want you to sleep with me tonight..
Naeun: Mwo?
Myungsoo: Before I turn to my wolf look,
Naeun: Okay! I'll sleep with you *quickly sits beside him*
Myungsoo: I'm not done talking and you already got scared? *laugh*
Naeun: *pout*
Myungsoo: Andwaee... Don't pout.. You're too cute...*pinch her cheeks*
Naeun: Appayo... *yawns* I'm sleepy.. Let's sleep..
Myungsoo: Sleep first, I want to brush my teeth.. *get up*
Naeun: Okay..*sleep*

When he done brushing teeth, he see Naeun is sleeping peacefully.. He embrace her in his arms and go to the famous dreamland...

Chapter 1 is done!!!! Sorry for my typos or my BAD English..

Monday 5 May 2014

♚Kipnapped to Be His Mate♚


Son NaEun : You
Kim MyungSoo : Wolf(ALPHA)
INFINITE : Wolf Pack(Under MyungSoo)
A-Pink : Infinite's mate ;
SungYeol❤YooKyung(Former member but I hadn't no choice)


November 4, 2014.

I was in my way to my home sweet home.. Unfortunately, the path to my house is blocked because of a big car accident including 5 cars, 3 motorcycles and 1 lorry.. I had no choice but to use the forest way.. I used to play in the forest myself.. It had been 14 years since the last time I came here.. It was the same as before.. While walking trough the trees and bushes,I heard some footsteps.. It sounded like a wolf steps.. Because of my scareness, I decided to walk as fast as I could but didn't run because I know I will tripped.. I kept walking fast then I felt something pulled me to somewhere but I can't scream because it covered my mouth with a hankerchief that was something on it that made me feel dizzy..

Annyeong~ This is my very2 first fanfic and sorry for my VERY2 BAD ENGLISH; ENGLISH is not my style(KRIS-EXO).. Please read and comment.. Saranghae! ❤❤❤
